How Mathematics can be used for Fairer Elections

Voting systems and fair representation are crucial in the democratic process, but achieving fairness in elections involves understanding the mathematics that governs various voting systems and how they can influence outcomes. Let’s examine the various voting systems, their mathematical interpretations, and the mathematical methods that can be used to improve fairness and representation in elections.

The First-Past-The-Post system, also referred to as plurality voting, is among the simplest and most common series of voting systems. In FPTP, a voter selects one candidate, and the candidate with the most votes wins. This is extensively used in the United States for both federal and state elections. But there are a few inherent limitations with the FPTP:

  • Winner-Takes-All: The candidate with the most votes wins, which often does not reflect the overall voter preference when multiple candidates are in the race.
  • Spoiler Effect: In a situation with numerous candidates, a third-party candidate can play a spoiler role and defeat the otherwise winning candidate by fracturing the vote.
  • Two-Party Dominance: FPTP has often led to a two-party system because smaller parties have a very hard time winning outright. Voter preferences further coalesce around the major parties.

Proportional Representation (PR) is widely used in many countries, especially in Europe. In PR systems, seats are allocated in proportion to the number of votes each party receives. For example, in a parliament with 100 seats, if Party A receives 40% of the votes, it gets 40 seats. PR possess some unique features:

  • Higher Representation: PR more accurately reflects voter preferences because it aligns the proportion of seats with the proportion of votes.
  • Quota and Largest Remainder Methods: PR often uses quotas, like the Hare Quota or Droop Quota, to determine seat allocation. Parties that meet the quota get seats, and any remaining seats are allocated based on remainders.

Example: If Party A wins 45% of the vote, Party B 35%, and Party C 20%, in a 100-seat parliament, Party A would receive approximately 45 seats, Party B 35 seats, and Party C 20 seats. This system minimizes wasted votes and allows for greater diversity.

In Ranked-Choice Voting, also called Instant Runoff Voting (IRV), voters rank candidates in order of preference. If no candidate receives a majority in the first round, the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated, and their votes are redistributed to the next choice on each ballot. his method of redistribution of votes continues until one candidate emerges with more than half of the total votes. But, IRV also has benefits and challenges.

  • Reduced Spoiler Effect: Voters can rank their preferred candidates without worrying about wasting their vote, which lessens the influence of third-party candidates as spoilers.
  • Majority Preference: Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) often results in the election of candidates who enjoy wider support rather than just a simple majority.
  • Complexity: The counting process can become more complicated, particularly in larger elections, and there is a possibility of ballot exhaustion, where all ranked choices are eliminated, leaving some ballots with no further options.

In Approval Voting, voters have the option to approve as many candidates as they wish. The candidate who receives the highest number of approvals is declared the winner. This method is more straightforward than Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) and helps to eliminate the spoiler effect.

  • Encourages Consensus: Approval voting promotes a wider consensus since voters can back several candidates they find acceptable.
  • Lack of Rankings: One downside of approval voting is that it does not allow voters to express their preferences among the candidates they approve, which may limit the richness of the data on voter preferences.

Mathematics plays a crucial role in examining fairness in voting, helping to identify flaws in different voting systems and applying quantitative techniques to develop more just systems. Here are some important mathematical principles and methods related to voting fairness. The Condorcet Criterion states that if a candidate can defeat every other candidate in a one-on-one matchup, that candidate ought to be declared the overall winner. Voting methods that adhere to this criterion, known as Condorcet methods, involve verifying this condition for all candidates involved.


  • Suppose in a race with three candidates (A, B, and C), A would win against both B and C in one-on-one contests. According to the Condorcet Criterion, A should be the winner.
  • However, Condorcet’s Paradox shows that sometimes there is no clear Condorcet winner, leading to a cycle where preferences loop (A > B, B > C, but C > A). This illustrates the challenge of cyclical preferences and the complexity of determining fairness.

Economist Kenneth Arrow demonstrated through his Impossibility Theorem that no voting system can satisfy all of a set of desirable fairness criteria simultaneously. These criteria are:

  • Non-Dictatorship: No single voter should dictate the outcome.
  • Unrestricted Domain: All individual preferences are allowed.
  • Pareto Efficiency: If every voter prefers candidate A to B, B should not be elected.
  • Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives: The choice between A and B should not be influenced by a third candidate, C.
  • Arrow’s theorem suggests that all voting systems involve trade-offs. For instance, FPTP and RCV each compromise different criteria, reflecting the mathematical complexity of achieving ideal fairness.

In ranked voting systems, mathematics can address common issues, like strategic voting and ballot exhaustion:

  • Single Transferable Vote (STV): Used in multi-member districts, STV allocates seats based on voters’ ranked preferences. It allows for proportional representation within ranked-choice voting, using a quota to determine how many votes a candidate needs to secure a seat.
  • Quota Calculations: The Droop Quota is often used to decide the minimum votes needed for a candidate to win a seat in STV. If a candidate receives more votes than the quota, excess votes are transferred according to second preferences.

Mathematical models can be employed to enhance fairness and accuracy in elections, particularly through the following methods:

  • Simulation and Modeling Tools: Monte Carlo simulations and other modeling tools allow analysts to simulate thousands of potential election outcomes under different voting systems. By analyzing how often a fair outcome is achieved, mathematicians can better recommend voting systems for particular situations.
  • Data Science and Predictive Analytics: Data scientists can analyze demographic and voting data to identify trends and biases in current systems. Predictive models, for example, can estimate how changing a voting system might influence election results, providing insights into how to reduce polarization or increase representation.
  • Game Theory: Game theory models voter behavior, particularly in situations where strategic voting may influence outcomes. Understanding how voters may behave in various systems enables policymakers to choose systems that encourage honest voting over strategic manipulation.

Mathematics is essential for understanding, analyzing, and enhancing voting systems. Although no voting system is flawless, mathematical analysis can uncover the strengths and weaknesses of each system, enabling society to make informed decisions about which systems best foster fair and representative outcomes. Whether through Condorcet criteria, simulations, or anti-gerrymandering algorithms, mathematics serves as a powerful tool for creating elections that genuinely reflect the will of the people.

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